SpreadtheNews – The European News Platform

Spreadthenews.eu the one-stop-shop for all news about EU policies updated 24/7

SpreadtheNews - The European News Platform

SpreadtheNews – The European News Platform provides easy access to thousands of sources from, about and regarding the European Union, EU polcies, backround information, Europe and beyond.

The one-stop-shop for your research, information and outreach:

Find news, publications, blogs and more on any EU policy from all around the world.

Save time using our search function, keep what is important in your dossier and share everything that is good to know with your colleagues and peers.

Start spending your time processing information instead on searching for them.

We offer institutions, organisations and online media publishers to level up their outreach to an international, interested and professional audience.
Reach out to journalist, experts and decison makers in politics, economy and administration all around the world.

Welcome to SpreadtheNews – The European News Portal

SpreadtheNews – The European News Platform is the One-Stop-Shop for all news and information about the European Union, EU policies, Europe and beyond. Find everything, spread everything. Level up your oureach.

SpreadtheNews GmbH i. Gr.
Hans Mund
Bonner Talweg 235
53129 Bonn